Tell us about a subject you enjoy studying

Today I am going to talk to you about a subject that I enjoy in college. I studied this subject in the first academic semester and is called path dependency.

Path dependency is a phenomenon that considers history as an important factor, in this way, what has occurred in the past persists because of resistance to change.

At first, when the subject was discussed, I related it to short phrases such as "the past matters" or "the past prevails", but when studying about the subject I realized that there was a background and a more interesting explanation behind the simple path of dependence.

On the subject, I learned that this phenomenon explains the trend that shapes public policies. In this way, the surge of new institutionalism tends to define path dependence as a situation where the policy choice is constrained or shaped by institutional paths that result from choices made in the past.


Finally, it is worth mentioning that I enjoy studying this phenomenon, because I like to analyze the factors that affect the course of history, that they may or may not have a relevant weight in the creation of public policies or public institutions.

Likewise, it is interesting to see how these events can accumulate until reaching a maximum point, causing a critical juncture that breaks with the inertia or tendency of public policies, in this way, new ones are created with another alignment and it continues with a new inertia until another critical juncture.

This is the last post! :( I hope you liked it


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