Blog 5: My future job
Hi everyone! Today I am going to talk about my future job Although I have always liked the subject of gastronomy and for the same reason, a job related to that, my thinking changed and now I think about my future as a public administrator. By the other hand, The major that i am studying are the public affairs. I would like to work in the comptroller general of the republic, specifically in the area that fights corruption and that administers illegal acts. I started to like this idea since I heard the pleasant work experience of a public administrator who graduated from the same university where I am studying, for the same reason, I imagine a safe work space but at the same time dynamic due to the effects of the social and political context. In addition, even if it is not an outdoor job and it does not contemplate trips abroad (which I would like very much), I would like to live that work experience. Currently I have not investigated about the monthly salary of a public administrat...